In With the New, Out with the Old...

    Day 79

    Happy New Year's Eve!! For tonight, my nails required sparkle, and champagne, and that's what they got!! ;-P

    I used OPI Dazzled by Gold for the Champagne, China Glaze Liquid Leather as a base for the other nails, China Glaze White on White for the white on the champagne glass, and Zoya Luna for the silver sparkle. Everything was topped off with 2 coats of Seche Vite top coat. :)

    I hope that everyone has a very Happy and VERY safe New Year's Eve!! Remember your designated driver!

    Edited to add:

    Here is a pic of me enjoying a 'champagne' toast ;) Don't mind the hair- this was at the end of the night after walking across downtown in the snow!! lol

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In With the New, Out with the Old...

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Mmmm, Fruity!

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Mmmm, Fruity!

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Get Footloose and Fun-kay....

    Day 76

    Hey everyone!!! How is your Monday going?! Lots of you had to go back to work today, and I really feel for you... but I'm on VACATION!!!! lol Ok, so I'm on vaca in Michigan, does that REALLY count? Anyway, I present to you today's nails... I bough Funky Limelight a while ago, and really wanted to use it, soooo....I did.

    I used Essie Funky Limelight as a base, with Essie Foot Loose applied with Konad Plate m69. Topped it all off with Seche Vite top coat. :)

    BTW, the pic doesn't even begin to show how bright Funky Limelight is, its rather blinding. :-P

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Get Footloose and Fun-kay....

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Magical Footloose Attraction

    Day 75

    Hey all, sorry this post is so late tonight, 10:38 PM EST!!! I just got to my sister's after traveling BACK across the state to spend the remainder of my vacation here in freezing cold Grand Rapids, MI. WOOOOO!! Today's nails were spur of the moment, and I JUST bought this polish at Meijer (a midwest chain supermarket/superstore), and for a $2.99 polish, I have to say, its gorgeous. Fully opaque in 2 coats, but I did 3 for extra sparkle. (as if it needs any extra!! lol)

    and a blurred one so you can see the sparkliness better, but the picture doesn't come NEAR capturing its glory. :-P

    I used Massini Magic Attraction as a base, with Essie Foot Loose applied with Konad Plate m69, and then flower/swirl pattern was hand painted with China Glaze Liquid Leather. Topped off with Seche Vite top coat.

    This one is sure going to be a bugger to get off, darn glitter. :-P

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Magical Footloose Attraction

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Mad as a Hatter

    Day 74

    Hey all!! I hope that everyone's Christmas went beautifully, that everyone got to spend time with their families, and that everyone's travels found them safely at their destinations this year!! I must admit, I'm rather elated to be able to not do Christmas themed nails today, is that bad?! :-P Sorry if it is, but yeah, I was running out of ideas!! Today's nails make me think of The Mad Hatter for some reason, I think its the acid green base that does it... but not entirely sure. Sorry again for the poor cleanup- still no good remover here at the parents' house.

    I used Barielle Polished Princess as a base, with China Glaze L8R G8R applied with Konad Plate m65. For the tips, I used Essie Foot Loose for freehand painted tips. Topped everything off with 2 coats of Seche Vite top coat.

    Anyone get any good after Christmas deals today??

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Mad as a Hatter

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Dasher and Dance, Donner and Blitzen...

    Day 73

    Hey everyone!! I hope that everyone is having the most amazing Christmas to date! Mine started off with a 4-hour (should've been 3) white-knuckled drive across snow and ice covered Michigan fueled only by Dr. Pepper and a gas station hot dog. :-P But, i made it here, safe and sound, and it has been nice to spend time with my family this Christmas- I've even posted a picture of my 'niece' wearing her special Christmas elf hat to be festive for the holidays...

    Today's nails are dedicated to the man that hit over 800 houses per second, and consumed over 800,000 calories last night from cookies...and let's not forget his trusty reindeer and faithful navigator with the illuminated nose....I really apologize for it's sloppiness and lack of cleaning up, the nail polish remover I have here at my parents' house is horrible, and I can't get the polish out of my nail art brushes. ARGH!! I'm going to try to get something better tomorrow. Anyway, to the nails...

    I used three different colors randomly on all the nails except my right thumb. I used Nubar Milk Chocolate Creme, OPI You Don't Know Jacques, and OPI Ginger Bells. For the eyes I used China Glaze White on White, and China Glaze Liquid Leather. For their noses (except Rudolph's) I used Zoya Angelina, and mixed with China Glaze White on White for the highlight. For Rudolph's nose, I used China Glaze Salsa. For the black on each nail to make the shape of the reindeers' heads, I used China Glaze Liquid Leather. A mix of two not-named jelly polishes in sheer red and sheer yellow (a VERY cute gift from my friend Jodi) was used for Santa's face, China Glaze Salsa for his hat and mouth, China Glaze White on White for the beard, eyes, and hat brim, and Ultra Pro in Blue Blaze for the eyes. For the reindeers' antlers, I mixed China Glaze White on White with Nubar Milk Chocolate Creme. Topped everything off with Seche Vite top coat.

    And lastly, here is the last of Christmas... a cake I decorated Wednesday night! :-P

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Dasher and Dance, Donner and Blitzen...

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Twas the Day Before Christmas...

    Day 72

    ...and all the through the house.... I did the Christmas poem on my nails!

    I used

    Right Thumb: Twas the Night Before Xmas...

    OPI Russian Navy Suede as a base, with China Glaze White on White for the moon.

    Right Index:...and all through the house

    OPI Russian Navy Suede as a base, with OPI Ginger Bells, China Glaze White on White, and China Glaze Liquid Leather for the house.

    Right Middle: Not a Creature was stirring, not even a mouse! (unfortunately you cant see the mouse well in the photos! :( just his pink nose!

    Nubar Milk Chocolate Creme as a base, with China Glaze Liquid Leather for the floor and lines, OPI You Don't Know Jacques Matte for the mouse, and a mix of China Glaze White on White and China Glaze Salsa for his nose. :)

    Right Ring: WHICH IS ACCIDENTALLY upside down!!! The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, In hopes that St Nicholas soon would be there.

    China Glaze Liquid Leather as base, with OPI Ginger Bells for the brick fireplace, Zoya Pippa, Sally Hanson Hard As Nails Xtreme Wear in 06 Sun Kissed, and China Glaze Salsa for the fire, China Glaze Salsa for the stocking with China Glaze Emerald Sparkle border, and China Glaze White on White for the mortar on the bricks.

    Right Pinky: The children were nestled all snug in their beds,

    OPI Russian Navy Suede as a base, with China Glaze White on White for the Zs.

    Left Pinky: While visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads. And mamma in her ‘kerchief, and I in my cap, Had just settled our brains for a long winter’s nap.

    Barielle Grape Escape as base with both OPI Parlez Vous OPI? and China Glaze White on White applied with a sponge to make it look sugary. lol

    Left Ring: When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter, I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter. Away to the window I flew like a flash, Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.

    OPI Russian Navy Suede as a base, with OPI You Don't Know Jacques Matte for the window panes, China Glaze White on White for the snow, and OPI Ginger Bells for the walls.

    Left Middle: The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow Gave the lustre of mid-day to objects below. When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
    But a miniature sleigh, and eight tinny reindeer.

    OPI Russian Navy Suede as a base, with China Glaze Salsa, BB Couture Poison Ivy and OPI Dazzled by Hold for the sleigh, and China Glaze White on White for the snow.

    Left index: With a little old driver, so lively and quick,
    I knew in a moment it must be St Nick.
    More rapid than eagles his coursers they came,
    And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name!

    "Now Dasher! now, Dancer! now, Prancer and Vixen!
    On, Comet! On, Cupid! on, on Donner and Blitzen!
    To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall!
    Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away all!"

    As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
    When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky.
    So up to the house-top the coursers they flew,
    With the sleigh full of Toys, and St Nicholas too.

    And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof
    The prancing and pawing of each little hoof.
    As I drew in my head, and was turning around,
    Down the chimney St Nicholas came with a bound.

    He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot,
    And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot.
    A bundle of Toys he had flung on his back,
    And he looked like a peddler, just opening his pack.

    His eyes-how they twinkled! his dimples how merry!
    His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry!
    His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow,
    And the beard of his chin was as white as the snow.

    The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth,
    And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath.
    He had a broad face and a little round belly,
    That shook when he laughed, like a bowlful of jelly!

    He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf,
    And I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself!
    A wink of his eye and a twist of his head,
    Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread.

    He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
    And filled all the stockings, then turned with a jerk.
    And laying his finger aside of his nose,
    And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose!

    He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,
    And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.

    China Glaze Salsa as a base, China Glaze White on White for the fur, China Glaze Liquid Leather for the belt, Zoya Pippa with OPI Dazzled By Gold over it for the belt buckle.

    Left Thumb: But I heard him exclaim, ‘ere he drove out of sight,
    "Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good-night!"

    China Glaze Ruby Pumps as a base, with China Glaze White on White for the writing.

    Everything was topped off with two coats of Seche Vite top coat

    One more dayyyyyy!!! Merry Christmas!!

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Twas the Day Before Christmas...

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Past Seven Levels of the Candy Cane Forest....

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Past Seven Levels of the Candy Cane Forest....

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He Sees You When You're Sleeping...

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He Sees You When You're Sleeping...

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Cold as Ice

    Day 69

    You're as cold as ice, You're willing to sacrifice our love, You never take advice, Someday you'll pay the price....

    Nothin' like a little Foreigner to jump-start your day, right? :-P Icicle nails today!! :) As you can see by the creases in a few nails, Seche Vite top coat has completely spoiled me.

    and at an angle to see the sparkles...

    I used OPI Ink Suede as a base, with China Glaze White on White for the icicles, and mixed with China Glaze For Audrey for the shading of the icicles. To top off the icicles, I used Pure Ice Oh, Baby!, a great (and CHEAP!) color from WalMart, of all places. I frankened a polish with a cheapie black polish and the result was one beautiful black w/ teal sparkled baby. I highly recommend it. It's an iridescent blue clear polish with iridescent glitters. :-P Love it. :)

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Cold as Ice

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Deck the Halls!

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Deck the Halls!

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Nothing Like the Griswold's

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Nothing Like the Griswold's

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Reader Appreciation Contest Results!!

    The contest is officially over, and the results are in (after being picked by a random name generator!!)

    Ahhh, it's was so hard doing this contest, even though the names were randomly picked, I feel bad for the other people!!! :-P

    Prize 1 goes to Ms. Moment!

    Essie Coral Reef, Essie Body Language, and Nic's Sticks by OPI in Baby Go Bye-Bye

    Prize 2 goes to MelNell

    L.A. Colors ART DECO nail art polishes in Silver, Bright Orange, Baby Pink, Bright Green, and Yellow.

    Prize 3 goes to Laurie Goudreau!

    BB Couture Polish in Poison Ivy, and Nic's Stick by OPI in Call my Cell.

    Congrats to the winners!!

    Alright guys! Email me your mailing addresses, and I'll get these sent out asap!!

    Thanks everyone for the amazing response!!! Stay tuned for next month's giveaway!!! :)

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A Very Konad Khristmas

    Day 66

    Hey all! Today I decided to do a simple nail, because #1. I fell asleep on the couch last night before I painted my nails and #2. I woke up late, so it was simple nails or be late for work, and since nails don't pay any bills (they CAUSE bills ;)) I went for simple work and punctuality.

    I used China Glaze Salsa as a base, with China Glaze TMI applied with Konad Image Disk m64. For the tips I used China Glaze Emerald Sparkle. Topped it all off with 2 coats of Seche Vite top coat.

    7 More days until Christmas!!

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A Very Konad Khristmas

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Some Might Say I'm 'Gifted'

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Some Might Say I'm 'Gifted'

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Christmas Around the Whirled

    Day 64

    So I must say, I am completely overwhelmed by the huge response that the contest has gotten- I didn't expect all the super-sweet compliments about the blog, etc!! I'm so glad that I have such awesome readers!!! I'll be posting comments on there to respond to people who've asked questions, or a few in response to certain comments, so keep an eye out in a little bit!! :)

    Today's nails are inspired by a design sent to me by the lovely Jillian N. who is amazingly photogenic. ;) (she'll know what I'm talkin' about) She sent me a picture of her awesome red and white marbling design that she did for Christmas, so I decided to try them myself, but added green into the mixture. BTW, China Glaze Emerald Sparkle, while incredibly gorgeous, is VERY VERY hard to marble. It kept breaking apart into chunks. (you can sort of see what I'm talking abut on the right index finger) *argh!* It took 3 attempts at the nails to get this result, which I finally gave up and accepted, since it was 12:48 a.m., and I needed to wake up in 5.5 hrs. Plus I was in the middle of making raspberry chocolate chunk brownies for the office holiday party today!! :-P mmmm But anyway, sorry its not perfect, but what can ya do, you know?

    Also, reader Sami expressed interest in seeing a before cleaning and after cleaning pictures from marbling, after her marbling attempt came to a messy end (which, I assured her, is normal :-P) So here you go! :)

    Before cleaning:




    I used China Glaze White on White as a base, with Pure Ice 611 Platinum over top, then marbled with Pure Ice 611 Platinum, China Glaze Emerald Sparkle, and Zoya Isla. I had to add in the Pure Ice 611 Platinum with the colors, otherwise I kept getting a black/brown color. Like I said, this combination was frustrating. I love Emerald Sparkle, but I have a reaaaaally hard time cleaning it off my fingers and cuticles. Topped everything off with 2 coats of the amazing and glassy Seche Vite top coat!!

    9 more days until Christmas!!

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Christmas Around the Whirled

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Reader Appreciation Contest!

    Hey all! So far, it's been a crazy month! I've gone from 6 people following me on here to 745 in the course of a MONTH! SO... to thank you, I'm going to have a contest!! To be eligible, all you have to do is be a follower, reply to this post, and your name will be entered into the random drawing for one of three prizes!!!

    Prize 1:
    Essie Coral Reef, Essie Body Language, and Nic's Sticks by OPI in Baby Go Bye-Bye

    Prize 2:
    L.A. Colors ART DECO nail art polishes in Silver, Bright Orange, Baby Pink, Bright Green, and Yellow.

    Prize 3:
    BB Couture Polish in Poison Ivy, and Nic's Stick by OPI in Call my Cell.

    So hurry, get entered- the deadline is Friday at 5 p.m. Pacific Time, and I'll post the winners Saturday!! :)

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Reader Appreciation Contest!

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