1. Choose the nail art design from any of Konad's image templates.
2. Apply Konad's special nail polish over the design that you chose. Make sure that you cover the entire design.
3. Scrape across the image plate with the scraper to remove excess polish. I don't have a Konad template holder yet but any flat stable surface seems to do just fine. Make sure you scrape until the edge of the plate so that your stamper will only pick up the design.
4. Press the stamper firmly over the design.
5. Stamp firmly the image on your nail with a gentle rolling motion or by simply pressing it down. Before stamping, you can make sure that you've picked up the design entirely and neatly. It's important that you stamp the design as quickly as you can to your nail before it dries.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rina_Alcantara
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→Konad Stamping Nail Art- 3ECWTWBVEUUJ
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